
Left Wheel T7JHXY211308606 BOSSQI M213

Original Left Wheel for BOSSQI Vacuum Cleaner

Part Condition : NEW Other (see details)
iNeedParts SKU : T7JHXY211308606 
Compatibility : BOSSQI M213 Vacuum Cleaner.

Please check the suitable model fit list to ensure that this is the correct part for your appliance, also you can compare the picture with your defective item.

If your BOSSQI M213 Vacuum Cleaner is damaged you don’t have to wait long to find the right spare part to make it work again. Through a variety of spare parts available, new or used, you will surely find the "right one" that fits to your device, to make it functional again.

iNeedParts Original Parts meet the quality and standards. All parts are genuine to maintain the value of your appliances and extend their life cycle. Having a broad selection of components is useful for repairing older items that can prolong their use and prevent them from ending up in a landfill.

 Express Shipment available in the European Union